St. Petersburg Training Centre


Private educational institution of additional vocational education the «Education and Training Centre «Sovcomflot» in St. Petersburg was founded on 5 May 2012 at the headquarters of PAO Sovcomflot, in the center of St. Petersburg.

The Center trains specialists for work onboard seagoing and river vessels under further vocational education programs.

In accordance with legislation, the company’s Charter and the respective license, the training center provides day and evening courses under education programs with duration of between eight and 500 hours.

Training programs comply with the requirements of international conventions, recommendations of the International Maritime Organization, and standard programs approved by the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport.

Training is conducted in Russian language, while by request it is possible to study in English language. In such case 20% extra charge will be applied to course fees.

Intakes for the next month are planned on the basis of applications received before the 15th day of the current month.

All instructors training center have higher professional qualifications and experience of working in senior command positions on the fleet.

The training center’s main clients are the maritime personnel of Sovcomflot Group. The Center also cooperates with other shipping companies, and trains seafarers on an individual basis.


Postal address:

3a, Moyka River Embankment,
St., Petersburg, 191186
Russian Federation

Tel.: +7 (812) 363-11-05; 363-11-04; 363-11-02
Fax: +7 (812) 363-11-52

Director – Viktor Sergeevich Lvov

Training center working hours:

Weekdays: 09:00 – 18:00 (Friday 09:00 – 16:45)
Lunch break: 13:00 – 13:45
Weekends: Closed